
Where’s the 10,000 shortcodes at?

Shortcodes are a function to enable things such as columns, buttons, toggles and a mass of other non WordPress functions. As such they belong in a plugin which can be installed on any correctly coded theme. If you desire shortcodes all you need to do is grab our free Cr3ativ Shortcodes Plugin from here.

Understanding that shortcodes must be a plugin is essential as a WordPress user. If you have a theme with them built in, then when you swap your theme all your pages will be full of useless code and make a darned mess.

Click here to view the plugin and it’s options in this theme..

This is an example of paragraph text. The environment, after all, is where we all meet, where we all where we all have a mutual interest. It is one thing that all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become. And here is a link.

Example of H1 Title

Example of H2 Title

Example of H3 Title

Example of H4 Title

Example of H5 Title
Example of H6 Title


Monotonectally e-enable leading-edge collaboration and idea-sharing through accurate e-business. Professionally leverage other’s enterprise ideas via intuitive information. Quickly incentivize 24/7 infomediaries with standardized markets. Collaboratively recaptiualize interdependent best practices without collaborative “outside the box” thinking. Dramatically reconceptualize revolutionary results after granular alignments.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. – Mahatma Gandhi”

Claritas claritatem sed nobis vel molestie. In dolore ut in placerat tation. Claritatem nibh insitam vel claritatem congue. Odio dolor iusto in hendrerit eleifend. Magna imperdiet wisi ullamcorper illum euismod.

This is the alt text and can be anything you wish!

Image aligned right

Monotonectally administrate cooperative e-business through efficient paradigms. Seamlessly engage distinctive value before functional web services. Globally underwhelm pandemic processes and go forward manufactured products. Dramatically re-engineer future-proof alignments after optimal technologies. Distinctively communicate client-based innovation without impactful synergy.

Again, this is your text, anything you would like.

Image aligned left

Monotonectally administrate cooperative e-business through efficient paradigms. Seamlessly engage distinctive value before functional web services. Globally underwhelm pandemic processes and go forward manufactured products. Dramatically re-engineer future-proof alignments after optimal technologies. Distinctively communicate client-based innovation without impactful synergy.

Automatic lightbox WordPress standard galleries

List Items

[creativ_columns structure=”50|50″]

[creativ_col position=”a”]

  1. Linked ordered list item
  2. Ordered list item
  3. Linked ordered list item
  4. Ordered list item
  5. Linked ordered list item


[creativ_col position=”b”]


[creativ_columns structure=”33|33|33″]

[creativ_col position=”a”]

Green Checks


[creativ_col position=”b”]

Red Checks


[creativ_col position=”c”]

Blue Checks

